Social Respon­sibility

Social Respon­sibility

Our Corporate Responsibility: Focus on Environment and Employees

At ic audio GmbH, we are always aware of our responsibility towards the environment and our employees. As a modern company deeply rooted in the community, we understand that our actions have far-reaching impacts – both on the environment and on the well-being of our employees.

Our corporate philosophy is based on the firm belief that economic success and ethical responsibility go hand in hand.

Therefore, we aim not only to be a safe and attractive employer but also to make a positive contribution to society. We achieve this through sustainable practices, the promotion of an open and inclusive corporate culture, and, of course, the strict adherence to international standards.

We believe that through transparency, integrity, and continuous improvement, we can not only gain the trust of our customers and partners but also make a real difference in the world.

Let us take a closer look at the various areas where we assume responsibility and how our policies meet the standards we have set for ourselves.

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

We have firmly integrated the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into our business operations:

  • Respect: We are committed to respecting the human rights of all individuals affected by our activities, including fair labour practices, non-discrimination, and the protection of health and safety.
  • Due Diligence: We conduct thorough examinations to identify and prevent potential negative impacts on human rights.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: We expect all our partners to adhere to these standards, integrate them into their business practices, and withstand regular audits.
Prohibition of Child Labour

ic audio GmbH has a zero-tolerance policy towards child labour:

  • International Standards: We respect and support children’s rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.
  • Supply Chain Commitment: Acceptance of our policy, which condemns and prohibits all forms of forced labour, is a fundamental prerequisite for establishing business relationships with suppliers and partners.
Anti-Corruption Policy

Integrity and ethical conduct are the cornerstones of our business operations. Our anti-corruption policy emphasizes our commitment to transparency and trust:

  • Zero Tolerance Policy on Corruption: We tolerate no corruption and are committed to conducting our business honestly and ethically.
  • Compliance with Laws: We strictly adhere to all applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations in every country we operate.
  • Prohibition of Bribery: Offering, giving, accepting, or demanding bribes is strictly prohibited.
  • Handling Sponsorships: Our sponsorship activities align with our corporate values and contribute positively to society. They are fully transparent and properly documented.
  • Gifts and Benefits: Strict guidelines govern the receipt of gifts to avoid conflicts of interest. Small, symbolic gifts which are customary in business life are permitted but must be disclosed and approved by management if they exceed a nominal value.
EHS Policy (Environment, Health, and Safety)

Our Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) policies aim to minimize the impact of our business activities and ensure the safety of our employees:

  • Environmental Awareness: We are committed to proactively reducing and preventing the environmental impacts of our activities, products, and services.
  • Energy Efficiency: We continuously improve our energy efficiency and reduce our environmental footprint through decreasing energy consumption.
  • Work Safety: We manage health and safety risks through continuous improvements to prevent injuries and health hazards.
  • Training and Communication: We raise our employees’ awareness of environmental and safety issues through training. We inform our customers about the safety-relevant properties of our products.
Right to Representation and Group Formation

We believe in a work environment where every employee feels valued and heard:

  • Freedom of Expression: We respect the right of all employees to freely express their views, opinions, and concerns, including discussions about working conditions and corporate policies.
  • Formation of Interest Groups: We support the formation of employee groups that serve as a platform for collective dialogue and action.
  • Open Communication: We promote open dialogue between management and employees and actively seek feedback to continuously improve our work environment.
  • Non-Retaliation: We ensure that no employee is discriminated against for exercising their rights or participating in interest groups.

Our commitment to the environment and our employees is reflected in our comprehensive policies based on the highest ethical standards. We contribute to a sustainable and fair future through continuous training, transparent practices, and adherence to international standards.

At ic audio GmbH, we believe that responsible actions not only protect our employees and the environment but also ensure the long-term success of our company.

Together, we can create an inclusive and innovative work culture that strengthens both individuals and society as a whole!

Picture of Sascha Riedling
Sascha Riedling

EN 54-24 Expert